[Paper II] SSB HC MINISTERIAL || दूसरे पेपर में क्या कैसे लिखना पड़ेगा || PDF File
SSB HC Ministerial Exam 2019
SSB ऑनलाइन फॉर्म एसएसबी हेड कांस्टेबल फिजिकल एसएसबी हेड कांस्टेबल रिजल्ट एसएसबी एएसआई स्टेनो परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम एसएसबी हेड कांस्टेबल उत्तर कुंजी एसएसबी भर्ती 2018 Admit Card एसएसबी हेड कांस्टेबल संचार सशस्त्र सीमा बल रिक्रूटमेंट एसएसबी हेड कांस्टेबल मिनिस्ट्रीयल
हिंदी पत्र-लेखन – 25 अंक
प्रश्नः- यमुना को प्रदुषण से बचाने की समीक्षा करते हुए
किसी समाचार-पत्र के सम्पादक को पत्र लिखिए।
424, शालीमार बाग,
दिल्ली ।
दिनांक 30 अप्रैल, 2019
सेवा में,
सम्पादक महोदय,
दैनिक जागरण,
नई दिल्ली ।
विषय एक सार्थक पहल की जरूरत ।
केन्द्रीय वन एवं पर्यावरण मंत्री जयराम रमेश यमुना को प्रदुषण से बचाने के लिए जो पहल कर रहे हैं, वह वाकई प्रशंसनीय है। हालांकि अब तक गंगा व यमुना को प्रदुषण से बचाने के लिए सैकड़ों करोड़ रुपये खर्च हो चुके हैं, लेकिन कोई ठोस परिणाम सामने नहीं आया है।
वास्तव में, यमुना को प्रदुषण से बचाना है तो यमुना में पड़ने वाले नालों को रोकने के लिए यमुना के सहारे नए नाले खोदे जाएँ तथा इस गन्दे पानी को ट्रीटमेन्ट प्लान्ट के सहारे साफ कर खेती के काम में लाया जाए। इस प्रकार की योजना तैयार होने से यमुना का जल स्वच्छ रह सकता है।
धन्यवाद ।
नितेश गाँधी
हिंदी निवंध लेखन – 25 अंक
महिला सशक्तिकरण पर निबंध …
नारी सशक्तिकरण के नारे के साथ एक प्रश्न उठता है कि “क्या
महिलाएँ सचमुच में मजबूत बनी है” और “क्या उसका लंबे समय का संघर्ष खत्म हो चुका है”। राष्ट्र के विकास में महिलाओं की सच्ची महत्ता और अधिकार के बारे
में समाज में जागरुकता लाने के लिये मातृ दिवस, अंतरराष्ट्रीय
महिला दिवस आदि जैसे कई सारे
कार्यक्रम सरकार द्वारा चलाये जा रहे और लागू किये गये है।
महिलाओं को कई क्षेत्र में विकास की जरुरत है। अपने देश में उच्च स्तर
की लैंगिक असमानता है जहाँ महिलाएँ अपने परिवार के साथ ही बाहरी समाज के भी बुरे
बर्ताव से पीड़ित है। भारत में अनपढ़ो की संख्या में महिलाएँ सबसे अव्वल है। नारी
सशक्तिकरण का असली अर्थ तब समझ में आयेगा जब भारत में उन्हें अच्छी शिक्षा दी जाएगी
और उन्हें इस काबिल बनाया जाएगा कि वो हर क्षेत्र में स्वतंत्र होकर फैसले कर
भारत में महिलाएँ हमेशा परिवार में कलंक से बचाने हेतु किये गये वध के
विषय के रुप में होती है और उचित शिक्षा और आजादी के लिये उनको कभी भी मूल अधिकार
नहीं दिये गये। ये पीड़ित है जिन्होंने पुरुषवादी देश में हिंसा और दुर्व्यवहार को
झेला है।
भारतीय सरकार के द्वारा शुरुआत की गयी महिलाओं के सशक्तिकरण के लिये
राष्ट्रीय मिशन के अनुसार 2011 गणना
में इस कदम की वजह से कुछ सुधार आया। इससे महिला लिगांनुपात और महिला शिक्षा दोनों
में बढ़ौतरी हुई। वैश्विक लिंग गैप सूचकांक के अनुसार, आर्थिक
भागीदारी, उच्च शिक्षा और अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के द्वारा समाज
में महिलाओं की स्थिति में सुधार लाने के लिये भारत में कुछ ठोस कदम की जरुरत है।
जरुरत है कि इसे आरम्भिक स्थिति से निकालते हुए सही दिशा में तेज गति से आगे
बढ़ाया जाये।
English Letter Writing 25 Marks
Dated April 30, 2019
The Editor,
Dainik Jagran,
New Delhi.
Subject Need a meaningful initiative
Central Forest and Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh, who is taking initiatives to save the Yamuna from pollution, is indeed appreciable. Though so far, hundreds of crores rupees have been spent to protect the Ganges and Yamuna from pollution, but no concrete results have come out.
Central Forest and Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh, who is taking initiatives to save the Yamuna from pollution, is indeed appreciable. Though so far, hundreds of crores rupees have been spent to protect the Ganges and Yamuna from pollution, but no concrete results have come out.
Actually, to save the Yamuna from pollution, then
to stop the drains falling in the Yamuna, new drains should be dug by using
Yamuna and clean the soiled water with the help of the treatment plant and make
use of the farming. The Yamuna's water can remain clean after this kind of
planning is ready.
Thank you.Yours faithfully,
Nitesh Gandhi
SSB ASI HC 2019 - English Essay Writing 25 Marks
Pollution ..
Pollution is a great problem that we are
facing in our cities and even in the villages. Pollution is of many kinds like
earth pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, etc. With the
rise in population it is becoming more acute. Most of the rivers are polluted
because of the wastes from the factories and the flow of drains in the rivers.
River water is no longer suitable for drinking. It causes many diseases. Air we breathe is also polluted. Vehicles plying on the roads emit smoke and poisonous gas bad for health. In big cities we fell much suffocation because of air pollution.
Noise pollution has also affected us. Loudspeakers, blaring day and night, disturb our sleep and clam of life. Earth pollution is also affecting agriculture production. It is also a health hazard. Open Drains and filthy streets full of night soils affect our health. Open drains and filthy streets full of night soils affect our health. So we must be very careful about it. We should plant more trees to counter the effect of increasing pollution.
River water is no longer suitable for drinking. It causes many diseases. Air we breathe is also polluted. Vehicles plying on the roads emit smoke and poisonous gas bad for health. In big cities we fell much suffocation because of air pollution.
Noise pollution has also affected us. Loudspeakers, blaring day and night, disturb our sleep and clam of life. Earth pollution is also affecting agriculture production. It is also a health hazard. Open Drains and filthy streets full of night soils affect our health. Open drains and filthy streets full of night soils affect our health. So we must be very careful about it. We should plant more trees to counter the effect of increasing pollution.
SSB HC Paper II - Precis 25 Marks
Home is the young, who known "nothing of the world and who
would be forlorn and sad, if thrown upon it. It is providential, shelter of the
weak and inexperienced, who have to learn as yet to cope with the temptations
which lies outside of it. It is the place of training of those who are not only
ignorant, but have no yet learnt how to learn, and who have to be taught by
careful individual trail, how to set about profiting by the lessons of teacher.
And it is the school of elementary studies—not of advances, for such studies
alone can make master minds. Moreover, it is the shrine of our best affections,
the bosom of our fondest recollections, at spell upon our after life, a stay
for world weary mind and soul; wherever we are, till the end comes. Such are
attributes or offices of home, and like to these, in one or other sense or
measure, are the attributes and offices of a college in a university.
Precis Summary
Home shelters the young who are weak and inexperienced and unable
to face the temptations in life. It is a centre of their elementary education
and a nursery of sweet affections and pleasant memories. Its magic lasts forever.
A weary mind turns to it for rest. Such is the function of a home and in some
measure of the university.
SSB ASI Steno HCM Comprehension 25 Marks
They had not been long together
before. Darcy told her that Bingley was also coming to wait on her; and she had
barely time to express her satisfaction and prepare for such a visitor, when
Bingley’s quick step was heard on the stairs, and in a moment he entered the room.
All Elizabeth’s anger against him had been long done away; but had she still
felt any, it could hardly have stood its ground against the unaffected
cordiality with which he expressed himself. On seeing her again, he inquired in
a friendly, though general way, after her family, and looked and spoke with the
same good-humored ease that he had ever done.
1. For whom do you think has the word ‘they’ been
used in the first line of the given passage?2. For whom do you think has the word ‘her’ been used in the same lime?
3. Why had the lady mentioned in the passage barely time to express her satisfaction?
4. In what tone did the gentleman talk to the lady?
5. What was the effect of this talk on the lady?
Answer is given below...
1. The word “They” has been used in the first line of the passage for Darcy and Elizabeth.
2. The word “her” has been used in the first line of the passage for Darcy and Elizabeth.
3. She had barely time to express her satisfaction because Bingley’s step was suddenly heard on the stairs.
4. The gentleman talked to the lady in a genuinely cordial tone.
5. The effect of this talk was positive in the sense that the lady’s anger, if any, was over.
1. The word “They” has been used in the first line of the passage for Darcy and Elizabeth.
2. The word “her” has been used in the first line of the passage for Darcy and Elizabeth.
3. She had barely time to express her satisfaction because Bingley’s step was suddenly heard on the stairs.
4. The gentleman talked to the lady in a genuinely cordial tone.
5. The effect of this talk was positive in the sense that the lady’s anger, if any, was over.
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Bahut achchhi jankari di hai sir aapne of 💯